For each of us, a healthy work-life balance will entail something different. It’s more impor- tant to make sure you feel pleased and fulfilled in both aspects of your life rather than divid - ing your time equally between work and pleasure. M eeting deadlines at work while still making time for friends and hobbies, getting enough rest and eating health- ily, and not thinking about work when you’re at home are all examples of a healthy balance. The ‘Wheel of Life’ tool at the right page can help individuals quickly identify the areas in their life to which they would like to devote more energy. ‘Wheel of Life ‘tool: How it works The eight sections of the wheel represent the key areas of your life. Ideally these areas should be in balance just like a wheel. Step 1: By drawing a line to create a new outside edge, rank your level of satisfaction with each area, with the center of the wheel representing “0” and the outer edge represent- ing “10”. Step 2: The marks around the circle should now be joined. How balanced or “out of sync” is this wheel with this new circle perimeter? Step 3: Re-plot the areas where you believe you would be most satisfied. A balanced life does not entail scoring a ten in every area of your life. At any given time, some things will require more attention and focus than others. Step 4: You can now see how your ideal life balance compares to your existing life balance. Which gaps are there? You should focus on these aspects of your life. The Wheel of Life A helicopter view of your Work-Life Balance 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 Once you have identified the areas that need attention, ask the following Questions to yourself: What things do you need to start doing to regain balance? What can you cease doing, reprioritize, or assign to someone else in the areas that now drain your energy and time? ► ► s a f e t y 4 s e a . c o m
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