SAFETY4SEA Soft Skills - Issue 01

22 SAFETY4SEA SOFT SKILLS | ISSUE 1 | Q1 2020 SAFETY4SEA SOFT SKILLS Quarterly Edition Issue 1 - Q1 2020 ISSN: 2654-1815 Owner SAFETY4SEA Email: [email protected] Managing Editor Apostolos Belokas Editorial Team Editor in Chief Sandra Psychogiou Senior Editors Sandra Sarmpezi Elias Toumanidis Sales & Marketing Team Marketing Manager Angela Chatzigeorgiou Sales & Marketing Executives Joanna Saltaoura Maria Koutroubi Design Team Coordination Stavroula Vervenioti Art Direction & Design Giannis Tsiros Disclaimer / Terms of use The content of this magazine is provided by SAFETY4SEA for information sharing and edu- cational purposes only. Opinion and editorial arti- cles reflect views of the author and not necessar- ily those of the magazine. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information contained in this publication at the time of going to press, SAFETY4SEA accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies in, or changes to, such information. The reproduction of any part of this publication in part or as a whole is NOT permitted without the prior consent of SAFETY- 4SEA. This edition is not provided on a standalone basis but it is part of SAFETY4SEA Plus subscription. Learn more: SAFETY 4SEA (incorporating GREEN4SEA & SMART4SEA) is on a mission for safe ships & clean seas, being the world’s leading source of news and insight on safer, smarter & green- er shipping using, monthly and quarterly paper magazines along with video & so- cial media. Furthermore, it hosts SAFETY4SEA , GREEN4SEA, SMART4SEA & CAREER4SEA Forums & Awards to foster excellence and share best practices across shipping. CROSSWORD OF EXCELLENCE 40 Events Globally 100 Awards 30K Subscribers #5 World Traffic Rank 70 Issues L e a r n m o r e a t a b o u t . s a f e t y 4 s e a . c o m Crossword answers Across 1.DIVERSE 3.COGNITIVE 4.TEAMWORK 5.PASSIONATE 6.MILLENIALS 7. SMILE Down 2.EXPERTISE 3.COMMUNICATION Skilled leaders are those who lead by ..., and not by authority. Effective ... is a key element to ensure good leadership. 2. 3. Down A number of studies have shown that ... teams, with various perspectives, perform better on complex problems. Emotional Intelligence matters more that ... intelligence. ... is vital for a project to turn up successful, but it can also be considered as a trap for leaders. It is important leaders to remain ... and committed. Those born between early 80s and mid-90s. During a conversation, a good tip to increase engagement is to ...more. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Across 1 2 3 4 5 6 7