49 ISSUE 01 | Q1 2023 H A P P I N E S S C O L U M N I n other words, we should try to create opportunities to feel positive emotions, eliminate sources of negative emotions, pursue a life that reflects our values, and find experiences of growth, learning, and teaching, explains Gretchen Rubin. She is one of today’s thought-provoking observers of happiness and human nature, known for writing many bestselling books, such as ‘The Happiness Project, Better Than Before, and The Four Tendencies’. “Happiness isn’t something that happens to us; it’s a state we can seek to foster”, she further adds. While there’s no magic, one-size-fits-all solution for building a happier, healthier, more creative, and more productive life, the fol- lowing key elements stand out: ●● Self-knowledge. We must know ourselves—our tem- perament, our interests, our values. The better we know ourselves, the more readily we can construct a life that will work for us. ●● Relationships. Ancient philosophers and contemporary scientists agree: a key to happiness is strong relation- ships with other people. We need enduring, intimate bonds; we need to feel like we belong; we need to be able to confide; we need to be able to receive and give support. “In my study of human nature, I find it useful to distill my conclusions into concise statements. Whether I’m explor- ing happiness, habits, the five senses, or anything else, this process clarifies my thinking, and it’s also a creative, absorbing exercise.”, she comments. According to Gretchen, there are eight fundamental principles concerning happiness: 1. To be happier, you have to think about feeling good, feel- ing bad, and feeling right, in an atmosphere of growth. 2. One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy; One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself. 3. The days are long, but the years are short. 4. You’re not happy unless you think you’re happy. 5. I can build a happy life only on the foundation of my own nature. 6. The only person I can change is myself. 7. Happy people make people happy, but I can’t make someone be happy, and no one else can make me happy. 8. Now is now. Everyone’s path to happiness is different. Overall, to be happier, we need to think our feelings, either positive of negative, in an atmosphere of growth. 8 TRUTHS OF HAPPINESS ● ● When you feel you can’t do something, add the word ‘yet’ ● ● Build on new ideas by thinking ‘’Yes, and what if…” ● ● Try a new way to practice self-care and be kind to yourself ● ● Find a new way to tell someone you appreciate them ● ● Share with a friend something helpful you learned recently ● ● Enjoy new music today; play, sing, dance or listen ● ● Use one of your strengths in a new or creative way ● ● Connect with someone from a different generation ● ● Plan a new activity or idea you want to try out this week ● ● Be curious; learn about a new topic or an inspiring idea Quick actions that can make you happier today! SEAFiT , powered by SAFETY4SEA , is a pioneering mental health program providing comprehensive guidance and a holistic approach to maritime stakeholders to evaluate the mental health state of both their shore and sea staff and raise awareness over wellbeing issues. Learn more at EMBRACE A NEW WELLBEING MINDSET A pioneering mental health program Mental health organisational awareness audit Mental health policies/manual Mental health awareness and literacy training Crew mental health assessment Customized mental health campaign Organizational stress levels assessment Stress management training for managers Office personnel mental health assessment