ISSUE 01 | Q1 2023 50 CROSSWORD Quarterly Edition Issue 01 - Q1 2023 ISSN: 2945-0179 Owner SAFETY4SEA Email: [email protected] Managing Editor Apostolos Belokas Editorial Team Editor in Chief Sandra Psychogiou SAFETY4SEA Editorial Team Sales & Marketing Team Marketing Manager Angela Chatzigeorgiou Sales & Marketing Executives Joanna Saltaoura Maria Koutroubi Design Team Coordination Stavroula Vervenioti Art Direction & Design Giannis Tsiros Disclaimer / Terms of use The content of this magazine is provided by SAFETY4SEA for information sharing and edu - cational purposes only. Opinion and editorial arti- cles reflect views of the author and not necessar - ily those of the magazine. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information contained in this publication at the time of going to press, SAFETY4SEA accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies in, or changes to, such information. The reproduction of any part of this publication in part or as a whole is NOT per- mitted without the prior consent of SAFETY4SEA. This edition is not provided on a standalone basis but it is part of SAFETY4SEA Plus subscription. Learn more: SAFETY4SEA is Fostering Sustainable Shipping for more than 12 years , hosting the leading , producing monthly magazines & special publications (100k p.a. circulation onboard & ashore), along with e-mail, video & social media , and delivering SAFETY4SEA, GREEN4SEA, SMART4SEA, CAREER4SEA & Crew Welfare Week Forums & Awards . One major sign of ... exhaustion is feeling far less alert than usual. ... is a basic human need that gives people greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. Hours of work and rest are important, but ... manage- ment go beyond just recording hours. Our moods are more controllable than our ... 1. 4. 5. 6. ... is a stimulant and can make it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Practicing ... has positive benefits on people's self-re- ported sentiments of compassion and empathy. 2. 3. ANSWERS 1.MENTAL 2.CAFFEINE 3.MEDITATION 4.SIGNIFICANCE 5.FATIGUE 6.EMOTIONS 2 3 1 4 5 6